Real Classroom Teaching
I’m so glad you’re taking the time to read this, and thank you for joining me in my kindergarten classroom teaching adventures! This is an exciting time for me for several reasons. First, I love to write and I’m looking forward to writing blog posts, articles and more to share with you. This blog is also exciting to me because of its purpose: I want to bring more real life into the “social media” of teaching.
I can Google a topic and find 793 Instagram photos, Pinterest pins and posts that don’t look realistic to me. Of course they’re beautiful and someone spent hours upon hours staging things; I don’t discredit the time and effort put into that. However, it’s often discouraging to me when I use a great idea in my classroom and it doesn’t look like that photo! More often it seems like it belongs on the “Pinterest Fails,” but it doesn’t – it’s just real life! Social media creates this need for us to have things look perfect and beautiful. But they don’t! It’s time to embrace that and share what REALLY goes on when we pull ideas and incorporate them into teaching.
It’s not always pretty
I want to be clear that I have nothing against all of the awesome teachers who create these gorgeously staged classroom ideas. I wish I had the talent to do that! Since I don’t, my intention is to showcase what it realistically looks like in a classroom. Classroom teaching can be messy; sometimes there’s that kid laying on the floor crying. Occasionally you scrap an idea halfway through because it just doesn’t work! I want us all to share more of that and learn from each other. My photos won’t look professional, and my hair will almost always be a mess. But it’s real.
In my head I have this picture of what social media could be like if we were all honest and realistic. I want that, and I think we’ve all been a little discouraged by the “always perfect moments” on social media. I hope that my adventures help put a little real life back into teaching. Visit my About Me page to learn a little more!